Thursday, December 18, 2008
In these types of relationships, both the stepchild and stepparent discover some rough times. Not only as a parent entering a new family, but as a child entering a new world. Those times when a child needs to feel welcome and loved by everyone in teh household, can change, and then can become very hard for the child to trust and be open, if theres new things happening in the relationships. Most people think that these relationships are hardest on the kids, but in the end its difficult on the parents as well. Trying to endure a healthy relationship with a child can be demanding and hard, but doing taht when your jsut walking into that family can be even harder. A new family member is hard on everyone, especially when they havent grown with you, or dont even know you. Step relationships are extremely difficult in the beginning. But they tend to burn, and become less and less of a hassle.
Conflicts and Barriers are of course the starting point of building a relatioship. Parents and children must overcome some pretty hard times, before they can get to the good ones. Kids need to accept the fact that their parent has remarried, and has fallen in love with someone else. that doesnt mean that they quit loving their exspouse, but just has developed a new relatioship with them. Parents entering a new family also have some difficult things to do, like develop the childs trust and accept the fact that the child isnt going to liek you at first, and is goint o have a hard time getting to know you.
Some advantages of having Stepparents, or stepchildren are that of many. One is that a stepchild does not only have the love of 2 parents, but of 3. The child may not have the love or loving relationship with one parent, so the love from another one can greatly affect their outlook on life. For the stepparent, if they are not able to have kids on their own they can adopt that child and become a wonderful parent to it, if theyll let it. Some positive aspects of these relatioships are that families can grow and change in good ways, and become a very welcomeing enviroment for others.
I believe that families with step relationships are the strongest. For they have overcome the obstacles and hardships of developing a new found love and family. Of course its never easy in the beginning, but in the end its the best feeling of having someone else love and care for you that you would never imagine would. Having a Step brother in my family has brought us so much closer, and more open to new things. And for us, my brothers mother has took my younger brother and me, and raised us like we were her own kids. His mom and my mom get along great, and between both of our families, we love and respect each other for all that we have. being part of a stepfamily has taought me to appreciate all that we have and never forget that your family loves you no matter how messed up it is.
Essay 1.
In Shakepeare's, Hamlet, the statement from King Claudius is said towards all the great people who had once been trusted, in Hamlet's life, and now have turned their back on him. Hamlet once had trusted and cared for King claudius, and his mother, but when he finds out that they have gone behind everyones backs, and decide to get married as soon as his father dies, there are no longer any trust between them. This story is a great example of being careful of who you trust, no matter their power, or relationship. Hamlet can trust his mother or uncle after this action, he must find others to help him solve the mystery of his fathers death and why his mother and uncle get married so soon after the death of his beloved father and King. Back in this time, I dont think that societies kept checks and balances on their "great ones." Back then the throne was passed down through generations, and it didnt matter what their personality, or how evil their mind was. It only mattered who and when they got the throne.
An example of this for todays age would be, September 11th, Sadam Husein. This man was once a great leader, who everyone in Iraq loved and admired. The country had statues of him everywhere, and would kiss at his feet when passed. He is a prime example of "Madness in great ones must not unwatched go," for his early actions as president of Iraq were great. Then towards the end of his presidency, he became unruly, and unjust. Then he was found to be one fo the leaders of the 9/11 attacks on the united states. There goes a once great ruler of a country, and ended up turning his back on his citizens, and has now started a long and painful War on his country.
These are two examples that put this statement true. Whether their societies think it right, or thier families and friends, a great leader will always go and do what they think is right for their country. If a society has the power to keep cheacks and balances on their rulers, then I think that history wouldnt be the same. Great leaders, have done the things they have because they think that they can get away with them. When being a great leader get to their head, they think, hey, i can do anyting and my poeple will follow me with whatever i do... But then they realize that the citizens of their countries, do have their own thoughts and feelings.
In this statement from Shakespeare's Hamlet, King Clauduis makes a wonderful point on Watching their backs when it comes to the powerful leaders. They may be the rulers of your country, but they can also have evil thoughts and may lead your country into disaster. Then especially when the leaders are in your family, you must trust them not to do anything that will change the way your poeple look at you. This statement, "Madness in great ones must not unwatched go," refers to all great people either in your life, or the ones running them.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Thinker Or Doer?
Being a doer can be good, yet it can have it downs as well. onegood thing about this quality is that i can decide on the flip of a coin what to do when im in a group setting. then realizing that the outcome really isnt that bad afterall. but deciding what to do in those times can be fun at teh same time. being a doer can makeyou open your eyes and experience the moments that you will never forget. a doer can also make you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time scenerio. but i also love to live for the moments that take my breath away and give me a rush of adrenaline. When im older i can look back and smile at not only the days of my youth but my life and all the chances i took at seeing a new side of life.
As for the thinking part of life, it comes 50/50 for me. I do like to take my time thinking things out therefore saving me some brutal consequences down the road. I can save myself and family or friends some heartache, or even some memories that are much better to be stored away rather then brought up. I can make life changing decisions or even the small day to day decisions in the rush of a moment. i think it is resonable to think out some scenerios and be smart about your life and how it can affect your future for college or even the outcome of many job opportunities. some people are just being dumb about not thinking before doing, and ruining their chances at a great career or job. Maybe even a college scholarship, to succeed in your life at doing something you love to do.
As for being both a thinker and a doer, I wouldnt change anything about myself. I think it comes in handy on my part for being 50/50 in that situation. i can control myself and not be stupid about certain situations but also have fun in the ride. i can be sensible and fun loving at the same time. so i much rather stay the way i am then worry about what others think. Im content on my life and my reactons to the small things. i am in control and still living my life to the fullest in every aspect of being safe.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Im very htankful that my parents are as trustworthy as they are. I havent done anything to jeopardize that either. I think that i am pretty lucky when it comes to stuff that im aloud to do compared to other poeple my age. i dont have a curfew, I can go out and they wont call and check in on me, they trust me 100%. and I love that about my parents, becuase they know that if i do something wrong or really bad that, ill go to them and tell them and then know my consequences. I think ive only been grounded once in my life, and that was because of a bad mistake that i made, and i learned my lesson by losing their trust and having to earn it back slowly. but now, they trust me to make the right decisions, and if i dont, they already know that ill figure out my punishment.
As for when im a parent, i know that my kids will do things that i dont like, or understand. But i know that kids will be kids, and they will find ways to get away with things. In some instances, I dont think id want to know what they do, like, i want to be in the know of wat my kids are doing, but there are some things that i wouldnt want to know about them. for example, i dont think id want to know my kids sex life, well i would like to know if they have done things of course, but then id just tell them to use protection, and be careful. Not to tear their relationship apart because i dont trust them. its their life, and if they want to make poor choices, then they will need to find a way to make things better. not be saved by their mommy. the only way kid are going to learn, is if they make some wrong decisions, and turn them around themselves.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bride to Nowhere
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Life After High School..
I was also thinking about taking a Phlebotomy class, and working at a blood bank while going to school. Phlebotomists make a ton of money and that could really help me get my foot in the door as far as nursing goes. So that could help with paying off school and stuff as well. But my main interest is in the ER. I would really love to be able to help people in time of need, and all the adrenaline, and excitement that goes along with working the the ER, would be such a rush. Helping everyone when they need you most is what I want. Even though there will be some real eye openers, and lots of runny noses, it would be a wonderful experience.
From there I want to tranfer to Chico State, and Enroll in their Nursing Program. Granted, I might be in school for a longer, but if it puts me on a good road for life then Im all in.Another one of my cousins fromm Oregon just got tranferred to a hospital in Eugene, and she makes well over 75,000 a year. But Im not just in it for the money. I really do like science and learning about our bodies. And if helping people is involved in that then I really would enjoy being a nurse. And to make things more of a challenge, being on my own for the first time will really be an experience.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Binge Drinking
The possiblity of this working is pretty much 50-50 to me. Yes, kids do drink when their not supposed to. But thats what being a teeneager is all about. We tend to do things that get us in trouble and that adrenaline, that rush we get from doing illegal things, jsut make us want to do it more. But if that age is lowered, then maybe the things those drinkers do wont be as big or as harmful as if it were doing something illegal. "Some of the bingeing is caused by the need to snaek around and drink fast and hard when you can." Even thoough teens get in trouble for it, doesnt mean that theyre going to stop just becasue people tell them to. There has to be a real reason for them to not do it anymore. I think that the reason teens do experiment with alcohol is becasue they want to feel unstoppable. They want to act like their older, when really their not. Being stupid and getting wasted ever weekend doesnt solve anyhitng, or gain you any brownie points what-so-ever.Maybe lowering the age to 18 will work out, who knows until they try it.
On the other hand, this not working is more than likely the case. Just becasue you lower the legal drinking age to a younger age, doesnt mean that the better its going to be. Sure it might be a little better int he beginning, but int he end, its still going to turn out the same as it is now. I think that kids will end up doing all the same things that they do now, becasue sine you lower the age, you will end up lowernig the age of kids drinking illegally as well. The younger the age, the younger kids are going to start drinking. So the way I look at it, if the drinking age is lowered to 18, then the more children are giong to start drinking. And the worst things will get, becaseu their little bodies and immune systems arent going to be able to handle it in their little bodies.
So my thought about this whole binge drinking issue is that lowering the age would have it advatages and disadvantages. Some things might get better, but some things will get worse. Like the article said, "Another reason is sex. Coeducation has brought boys and girls together on elite college campuses in teh last thirty years, just as the old formailties of courtship and dating have gone out the wayside." I completely agree with that statement. I beleive that guys at parties, go to them, jsut to get with a girl, and to blame what heppened between them on the alcohol. When in reality, they can jsut fake being drunk, and totally use the girl. And then the girl end up being raped, or hurt pretty badly. The same goes for girls as well, but mostly for guys that are complete pigs.
So the drinking age becomeing 18 has its good, and bad points. Younger kids trying alcohol, and end up hurting, if not killing themselves due to how harmful it realyl is. And teens being more responsible due to the legal age being younger and people not caring as much if the things they do are compltely legal or not. But I think that it al depends on the situation thats in hand. I think you have to look at the different types of people that do drink, and how they harm it, or take it in at a resonalbe rate.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Price of Our Addiction
My family has made many changes in the way we have been conserving gas. this summer we didnt go out in the boat as much as we used to. Due to the rise in oil prices. I remember at the beginning of summer when it was as much as $4.55 a gallon. I know that my family didnt do much then. We have made those sacrifices not to spend as much on driving, and spent more time together, rather being apart, driving places. I have decided that due to the high prices, I dont let my gas tank get under a half a tank. When its getting close, I always try and fill it up.
The gas prices havent affected our heating bill at all, since we have wood stove heat.
I think that the best alternative would be to lower the price of oil barrels. The producers dont need to be greedy and try and control ou economy by gas prices. I think that the whole problem with high gas prices is due to the oil producers in other countries that want and want, but are screwing us in the end.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Sir Pelleas

Sir Pelleas was a knight of great bravery, and skill. Son of a poor vavasour, was knighted at a young age. Yet was torn by the love for Lady Ettard of Arroy. Her arrogant personality lead Sir Pelleas to defeat sixty knights, to present her the jousting crown.After doing so, Ettard ridiculed him for pursuing her, and forbade him to feel that towards her. She does all she can to try and forbid him from seeing her, she sends all her guards on him, hoping that it will get rid of him. but none of that stopped him from loving her. Once Sir Gawain views Pelleas' humiliation, he vows to help him. They agree that Gawiain will go to Arroy to tell try to convince the guards that Gawain has already killed Pelleas, therefore they let him in. When Gawain gets to Ettard, he tries to woo her and eventually falls in love with her, forgetting his promise to Pelleas. Pelleas seeks them out, and finds them in bed together, and couldnt gather enough courage to kill him, so he lays his sword in between them in bed. When he gets back home, Gawain, realizes he broke his promise to Pelleas, and pleads Ettard to love Pelleas. then arranges for them to marry. After they are married, they have a son, Guivret the Younger.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
My Three Heroes
My second hero is my mother. She is a woman who has gone through so much in herlifetime that she has taught me that no matter how hard life can get, never stop believeing. She is a strong, caring woman, who loves all that surround her, and never quits. She is the reason I am who I am today. Teaching me the proper etiquette for a lady, and, "If you start something, you have to finish it." She taught me to keep going, never stopping to question myself, but if I do have questions, ask. Its never bad to ask a question is another thing she taught me. To not be afraid to ask, even if it might sound like a silly question, ask it. My mother has pushed me to be the young woman I am today, and I greatly appreciate her for always believeing in me.
The third hero of mine is Mia Hamm. Mia Hamm played for the US Womens Soccer team, and Is a strong and willing woman. She is always fighting for what she wants, no matter if it be fighting to get the ball from another team, or fighting for more girls soccer leagues in America. She is a hard working lady, that knows her way aruond tough situations. She is a strong believer in women's rights, and getting more girls playing soccer is a beig deal to her. I think Mia Hamm is my hero in ways that she doesnt stop once she gets motivated, and she is forever thinking outside the box. She is a constant reminder of how women in Americas eye should act.