Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sir Pelleas

Sir Pelleas was a knight of great bravery, and skill. Son of a poor vavasour, was knighted at a young age. Yet was torn by the love for Lady Ettard of Arroy. Her arrogant personality lead Sir Pelleas to defeat sixty knights, to present her the jousting crown.After doing so, Ettard ridiculed him for pursuing her, and forbade him to feel that towards her. She does all she can to try and forbid him from seeing her, she sends all her guards on him, hoping that it will get rid of him. but none of that stopped him from loving her. Once Sir Gawain views Pelleas' humiliation, he vows to help him. They agree that Gawiain will go to Arroy to tell try to convince the guards that Gawain has already killed Pelleas, therefore they let him in. When Gawain gets to Ettard, he tries to woo her and eventually falls in love with her, forgetting his promise to Pelleas. Pelleas seeks them out, and finds them in bed together, and couldnt gather enough courage to kill him, so he lays his sword in between them in bed. When he gets back home, Gawain, realizes he broke his promise to Pelleas, and pleads Ettard to love Pelleas. then arranges for them to marry. After they are married, they have a son, Guivret the Younger.

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