According to this article, Many presidents of Universities want to lower the drinking age to 18. I think that there are both advatages and disadvatages to that. Just because we lower the legal drinking age to 18, doesnt mean that there still wont be binge drinking going on. Younger kids will still binge, and it will still be a problem. But if we if lowering the drining age means less outrageous mishaps, then go for it. I kind of agree that if you lower the age, then the big outbreaks and big stories wont be as big, as when its legal for these kids to do it.
The possiblity of this working is pretty much 50-50 to me. Yes, kids do drink when their not supposed to. But thats what being a teeneager is all about. We tend to do things that get us in trouble and that adrenaline, that rush we get from doing illegal things, jsut make us want to do it more. But if that age is lowered, then maybe the things those drinkers do wont be as big or as harmful as if it were doing something illegal. "Some of the bingeing is caused by the need to snaek around and drink fast and hard when you can." Even thoough teens get in trouble for it, doesnt mean that theyre going to stop just becasue people tell them to. There has to be a real reason for them to not do it anymore. I think that the reason teens do experiment with alcohol is becasue they want to feel unstoppable. They want to act like their older, when really their not. Being stupid and getting wasted ever weekend doesnt solve anyhitng, or gain you any brownie points what-so-ever.Maybe lowering the age to 18 will work out, who knows until they try it.
On the other hand, this not working is more than likely the case. Just becasue you lower the legal drinking age to a younger age, doesnt mean that the better its going to be. Sure it might be a little better int he beginning, but int he end, its still going to turn out the same as it is now. I think that kids will end up doing all the same things that they do now, becasue sine you lower the age, you will end up lowernig the age of kids drinking illegally as well. The younger the age, the younger kids are going to start drinking. So the way I look at it, if the drinking age is lowered to 18, then the more children are giong to start drinking. And the worst things will get, becaseu their little bodies and immune systems arent going to be able to handle it in their little bodies.
So my thought about this whole binge drinking issue is that lowering the age would have it advatages and disadvantages. Some things might get better, but some things will get worse. Like the article said, "Another reason is sex. Coeducation has brought boys and girls together on elite college campuses in teh last thirty years, just as the old formailties of courtship and dating have gone out the wayside." I completely agree with that statement. I beleive that guys at parties, go to them, jsut to get with a girl, and to blame what heppened between them on the alcohol. When in reality, they can jsut fake being drunk, and totally use the girl. And then the girl end up being raped, or hurt pretty badly. The same goes for girls as well, but mostly for guys that are complete pigs.
So the drinking age becomeing 18 has its good, and bad points. Younger kids trying alcohol, and end up hurting, if not killing themselves due to how harmful it realyl is. And teens being more responsible due to the legal age being younger and people not caring as much if the things they do are compltely legal or not. But I think that it al depends on the situation thats in hand. I think you have to look at the different types of people that do drink, and how they harm it, or take it in at a resonalbe rate.
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