Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Price of Our Addiction

As for having an alternate energy plan, I think that all Americans have made one. As long as we have been having an increase in oil prices, everyone has made sacrifices. I dont think we have a solid set energy plan just yet, i think that we are on our way to having a set plan, yes, we just arent there yet.
My family has made many changes in the way we have been conserving gas. this summer we didnt go out in the boat as much as we used to. Due to the rise in oil prices. I remember at the beginning of summer when it was as much as $4.55 a gallon. I know that my family didnt do much then. We have made those sacrifices not to spend as much on driving, and spent more time together, rather being apart, driving places. I have decided that due to the high prices, I dont let my gas tank get under a half a tank. When its getting close, I always try and fill it up.
The gas prices havent affected our heating bill at all, since we have wood stove heat.
I think that the best alternative would be to lower the price of oil barrels. The producers dont need to be greedy and try and control ou economy by gas prices. I think that the whole problem with high gas prices is due to the oil producers in other countries that want and want, but are screwing us in the end.

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