Monday, December 15, 2008


Parents "spying" on their kids can be a very controversial subject. As a kid, i know that i wouldnt want my parents knowing every move i make. I know I make some bad choices, and if my parents only knew some of the stupid things ive done, Im pretty sure id be dead in teh ground right now. My parents are for the most part pretty trustworthy of me, and im glad they are. But as a parent, i wouldnt trust my kids. knowing how teenagers are these days, i dont think id let my kids out of the house. I mean, yes of course id trust my kids, but there are some things that id rather not know that my kids do.
Im very htankful that my parents are as trustworthy as they are. I havent done anything to jeopardize that either. I think that i am pretty lucky when it comes to stuff that im aloud to do compared to other poeple my age. i dont have a curfew, I can go out and they wont call and check in on me, they trust me 100%. and I love that about my parents, becuase they know that if i do something wrong or really bad that, ill go to them and tell them and then know my consequences. I think ive only been grounded once in my life, and that was because of a bad mistake that i made, and i learned my lesson by losing their trust and having to earn it back slowly. but now, they trust me to make the right decisions, and if i dont, they already know that ill figure out my punishment.
As for when im a parent, i know that my kids will do things that i dont like, or understand. But i know that kids will be kids, and they will find ways to get away with things. In some instances, I dont think id want to know what they do, like, i want to be in the know of wat my kids are doing, but there are some things that i wouldnt want to know about them. for example, i dont think id want to know my kids sex life, well i would like to know if they have done things of course, but then id just tell them to use protection, and be careful. Not to tear their relationship apart because i dont trust them. its their life, and if they want to make poor choices, then they will need to find a way to make things better. not be saved by their mommy. the only way kid are going to learn, is if they make some wrong decisions, and turn them around themselves.

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