Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Thinker Or Doer?

I believe that i am a little of both. I am a doer because i dont alwaysthink things through. I try to think things through, but that doesnt always happen. I tend to live in the moment and decide to do things on a spur of the moment. This usally gets me into trouble so i try to think about my actions before i do them. When im with my friends and my boyfriend i am usally a doer, becasue deciding what to do in a split second is usually more of a a thrill than thinking about whether your going to be getting in trouble for it in the end. But then again I do think things through when im in tough situations. decidiing whether i want chicken or steak at taco bell wouldnt be one of those times. but when im alone i tend to do this. thinking about what the right thing to do would be wiould probably be the hard decision for me. when im thinking about the outcome of some situations i think about all the possible things that could go wrong.

Being a doer can be good, yet it can have it downs as well. onegood thing about this quality is that i can decide on the flip of a coin what to do when im in a group setting. then realizing that the outcome really isnt that bad afterall. but deciding what to do in those times can be fun at teh same time. being a doer can makeyou open your eyes and experience the moments that you will never forget. a doer can also make you end up in the wrong place at the wrong time scenerio. but i also love to live for the moments that take my breath away and give me a rush of adrenaline. When im older i can look back and smile at not only the days of my youth but my life and all the chances i took at seeing a new side of life.

As for the thinking part of life, it comes 50/50 for me. I do like to take my time thinking things out therefore saving me some brutal consequences down the road. I can save myself and family or friends some heartache, or even some memories that are much better to be stored away rather then brought up. I can make life changing decisions or even the small day to day decisions in the rush of a moment. i think it is resonable to think out some scenerios and be smart about your life and how it can affect your future for college or even the outcome of many job opportunities. some people are just being dumb about not thinking before doing, and ruining their chances at a great career or job. Maybe even a college scholarship, to succeed in your life at doing something you love to do.

As for being both a thinker and a doer, I wouldnt change anything about myself. I think it comes in handy on my part for being 50/50 in that situation. i can control myself and not be stupid about certain situations but also have fun in the ride. i can be sensible and fun loving at the same time. so i much rather stay the way i am then worry about what others think. Im content on my life and my reactons to the small things. i am in control and still living my life to the fullest in every aspect of being safe.

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