Monday, April 27, 2009


I believ that this family should win their legal battle. having to deal with all the raw emotion of seeing thier daughter or sister, when theyir looking up something for school shouldnt happen. This isnt a matter of free speech, or public curiosity, it is a family's life peple are ruining. This family has been delt with a worse hand, having thier daughter die in a horrible car accident, they dnot need the humilation of seeing those pictures all ove the web. If this had been my family i would have done the same thing teh Catsouras family has done. I am furious that people are so coldhearted to upload those pictures and them be flaoting all over the internet. If my family were to go through this i would be horified. this is not something that is the least bit funny, or intersting to look at. yes, i do understand that most people that look at these pictures are just looking otu of curiostiy, but why? why would u put yourself through that agony too? looking at those pictures means you have a part in it as well. These pictures should no be on the internet, making them known and able to be seen is the worst. I cant imagine going through that pain and torture of the possiblitly of seeing my dead daughter, or sister on the internet. this is a disgusting way to get revenge or way to get a point accross. the internet is a way of helping people, and with this hackers have just made the internet another bad place to be.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

I do believe that the writer is correct in his article. Celebrating this day isnt something americans wait for or celebrate like we do christmas or easter. Yes i thnk we all do believe that the Earth could be a cleaner better place, but according to this day, we dont do anything to help that cause. As Americans we are trying slowly to become a more efficiant and healthy nation, but it has taken us this long to realize it and make it happen. what are we doing to help our world become a better place as far as Cleaning up the highways, or planting more trees? This day is one to celebrate that and make things happen, but as far as im concerned, i didnt even know today was Earth Day. Therfore, making this day known across the nation is something we need to make happen. I didnt even know that we had a Earth Day to be honest. But making this day known to everyone, to make the enviroment a cleaner, more natural place for us and our childrens children down the road. Without people knowing about this day, we are taking the risk of not having a safer enviroment for our generations to come. My family doesnt do anything particularly on earth day, but we do keep try to keep things "green". We plant our own garden, and do try to make our lives easier by going green. we plant a tree ever 3 years and think that is a good idea to do our part.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Things Not To Learn In School.

If you ask me if Ive learned any of these eight things in school, i would say yes. I ahev learned that a 70% is passing. And that Some of my tests are multiple choice. These two things are important to graduate high school. And if some of my teachers have taught me this, then why are they teaching? If these things wil not help me in my future, then why would i be taught these things are right?

There was more than one teacher that taught me that a 70% is passing. that if i got a 70 then its fine, ok, good even. If i were to get a job and only do 70% of my job then i would be fired right off the bat. Or maybe not even condidered for that job. Getting only a 70% is not a good grade to get. Yes i do have a 70% right now, but i am working hard to get that up. I know that that kind of grade is not acceptable, and goign through life with that kind of attitude isnt right at all.

Another thing i was taught was multiple choice tests. I ahev had many tests taht way and even though it ma ybe easier for a teacher. But having a multiple choice test doesnt help, liek i said it may eb easier, but it wont be helpful later on. If we go through life making choices wheter to do this or that, or go here or there, where will that take us? we will get nowhere. Multiple choise tests are not goping to help us in our future lives as adults. it will only help us as students getting things done faster. Taking the easy way out is never the answer, so why teach us that?

Friday, April 3, 2009

Economic Hardship

People today are hustling and bustling to find jobs and to better secure thier families. They have recognized this nationwide problem, not necessarily welcomed it, but taken it. Americans are purchasing more fuel efficiant vehicles, and growing their own gardens and buying more in bulk than going to the grocery store every other day for small things. Many people have been laid off from their jobs, lsot their homes, and lost themselves. This economic crisis were in is probably the most difficult thing these generations will ever go through. Not only will we have to save more and more and lookout for the long run, but we cant go do things that we usually would do for fun. we cant go to the movies every friday night, or go to the mall. We all have to sacrifice wat used to be our everyday lives, to now staying at home more, and finding new more cost saving things to do.

My family is dealing with this crisis, by spending less and not running around as much. My parents havent been laid off(knock on wood) or anything, so that is always great. my little brother plays soccer and has practice 2 times a week. and before we would take him to and from the park, but now we have found a new way to get him there by carpooling with his friend. he goes with Chase, his friend, to practice, and we pick them both up. this way neither of us are using more gas than needs be. this has put a weight on me personally becuase i have been looking for a part time job to get me through school in the fall, but with this happening with our economy, its been really difficult finding one. people that are already in the work force who have the experience are the ones they are looking for. with my ROP i intern at a Vet Clinic in Red Bluff 2 days a week, and they have really noticed a downfall in the people bringing their pets in. There are days when we only have 4-5 patients, and then we have nothing to do. all because pet owners are less likely to bring their pets in for care, when its hard and expensive to get healthcare for themselves.

I have been running around less and doing more things at home. I used to go to redding everyday after school and run errands for my mom and just drive around. But now i cant do that as often as id like. Making plans to do things ahead of time, like saying if im going to be in redding, then my mom will have me do her errands for her while im there so to not waste more gas than needs be. This econimic crisis were in is making things extrmely difficult for every single one of us. thi syear my family is growing a garden for the first time in a few years because vegies and fruits are getting so expensive. And farmers are going through an even rougher time with getting thier crops sold and trying not to eat us of our money for food.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Online File Sharing.

I believe that if the United States were to follow in the UK's footsteps, that many people would be affected. I personally wouldnt be affected, because i dont use limewire or any other file sharing program. Many other americans would be affected though. Downloading movies and music are illegal. But so many people do it. When I first tried limewire, it came with lots and lots of viruses. due to sharing music with god knows how many people frm all over the world, my computer was infected. and i learned my lesson when it came to the bill to get the computer fixed. sharing each others files is not a good thing. and will get you in trouble.
Intellectual property is basically liek a copyright. its a personal way to protect your own things with a copyright. it is important because if you dont have one then other people can take your ideas and get credit for the things you did. if we didnt have them then our nation would be full of liars who got their information form others who came up with great ideas, then get nothing in return for them.